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IRC Symposium 2022 - Day Two

Igniting Research Collaborations Symposium 2022

Monday January 24 - Friday January 28, 2022
12 - 1 pm
Online via Zoom (https://uky.zoom.us/j/87513133459)

Day 2: Presentations and Presenters

Anti-inflammatory and gingival absorption properties of new mPGES-1 inhibitor

Octavio Gonzalez (COD), Chan-Guo Zhan (COP)

Developing an emergency sociotechnical infrastructure with Lexington’s latinx community
Fatima-Espinoza Vasquez (C&I), Gia Mudd-Martin (CON)

Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory nanoparticles for periodontal disease
Stephen Rankin (COE), Barbara Knutson (COE), Octavio Gonzalez (COD)

Optical imaging of radiation-induced metabolic changes in human breast cancer organotypic tumor slices to predict radiotherapy response
Caigang Zhu (COE), Xiaoqin Wang (COM), Teresa Fan (COM)

IRC_Symposium.pdf (16.15 MB)