Materials Science RPA Fall 2024 Membership Meeting
Please save the date for a membership-wide meeting of the m-RPA!
Who: UK Materials Science Research Priority Area membership
What: In-person meeting
Where: 212B Gatton Student Center Grand Ballroom
When: August 15, 2024 @ 9-11am
Why: The purpose of this meeting is to gather the m-RPA membership for a collegial discussion of m-RPA research priorities and funding (both internal and external).
- Our goal in FY25 is to align RPA activities and funding to help prepare for submission of a pre-proposal to the NSF MRSEC program ( To this end, we plan to use the FY25 seed grant funding category to support teams of researchers who will be considered for the IRGs in the MRSEC pre-proposal.
- We would like feedback from the membership about the FY24 m-RPA funding and what the members might suggest we change for FY25. We will provide the draft FOA for seed grants prior to the Aug 15 meeting to get feedback on that draft and then issue the call shortly after Aug 15.