Frequently Asked Questions about the ABC

Where are you located?
Healthy Kentucky Research Building
760 Press Ave.
Lexington, KY 40536-0596

HKRB 074 (Rodent Behavior Labs A-E)

HKRB 088A (Office)

Can I order more than one test?
Yes, you can order an entire battery of tests and you can order tests for multiple groups of animals or for an extended project.

Can my animals be transported from another section of DLAR?
Yes. Mice will be housed in HKRB 074K housing room until behavioral testing is done. This information would be included in your IACUC approval for behavioral testing in the ABC.

How do I get my animals to your facility?
There are several options for transporting your animals to the ABC. DLAR can transport your animals from one facility to another if given a week’s notice; you can bring your animals to the ABC as long as they are contained in an approved cart (should be covered on all four sides); or a member of the ABC can transport your animals from facility to facility if necessary.

Do I have to be a faculty member of the University of Kentucky in order to use the ABC services?
Yes, and you need to have an approved IACUC protocol with the appropriate behavioral tests included within your protocol.

What do I need to do if I am writing an IACUC protocol and I want to do behavioral testing through the ABC?
Contact any of the ABC personnel and they will assist you.

How do I receive my data?   

Original data transfer will take place via a SharePoint link. If you would like to discuss your results in detail, you may schedule a consultation with a member of the ABC or the director if necessary.

How long will my mice be at the ABC?
Your mice will be acclimated for one week before the behavioral testing begins, and then they will remain in the ABC throughout testing. If you have ordered multiple behavioral tests, then your animals could remain in the core for a few weeks while all testing is being completed. You will be notified as soon as testing is complete. Some behavioral tests can be completed in one day, some take up to a week.

Can I have my animals sacrificed by a member of the ABC core or must they be returned to me?
All animals will be returned; the ABC does not offer this service.

What is the best way to contact the ABC?
Email is the best method of contact; please allow up to 24 hours response time.