Registration for the SuRE Biennial '24 Conference has closed. It required a $100 fee for faculty and research administrative staff. There was no registration fee for students, and we highly encouraged faculty with R16 awards to have their lab students attend. The deadline to register was Monday, June 3rd.
Registrants are responsible for their airfare, lodging, and incidentals. Faculty are encouraged to use their R16 award's travel budget to cover costs for themselves and their lab students to attend the SuRE Biennial ’24 conference.
Those who registered and for whom a registration payment is required should have received an email directing them to a secure portal to complete the online payment transaction. Email us at SuRE.RC@uky.edu if you have questions or issues completing this form.
Because your privacy is important to us, the University of Kentucky operates by these principles:
We explicitly ask when we need information that personally identifies you ("Personal Information"). Personal information will be used for communication and transaction purposes only. We take all measures to protect your personal information and never sell or redistribute your information to anyone.
If you believe this Site has not adhered to these principles at any time, please notify us by email, and we will make all reasonable efforts to promptly determine and correct the problem. If you have questions about this policy, please email us.
We accept American Express, Master Card, Visa, and Discover. All transaction amounts are in US dollars (USD).
Online transactions are processed via the Bluefin payment gateway and Worldpay (the acquiring transaction processor).
You will receive an email confirmation shortly after a purchase is processed. You are advised to print out and save a copy of the order confirmation for verification necessary to request refunds or resolve any disputes.
This site uses industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers on our transaction pages. It encrypts all of your personal information, including name, address, and credit card number, to prevent unauthorized access as the information travels over the Internet. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50.00, this site will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50.00. This site will cover this liability only if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted from transactions made at this site while using the secure server through no fault of your own.
Unless stated otherwise on the individual registration site or payment form, all payment fees are non-refundable
University of Kentucky
410 Administration Drive, Suite 311 Main
Lexington, KY 40506
United States
Email: SuRE.RC@uky.edu
Phone: 859-323-6538
Are you planning to attend the SuRE Biennial '24 Conference? Use this link to book your room at the special conference rate by the deadline of Saturday, June 22, 2024.