Rhonda Davis

headshot of Rhonda Davis holding a dog in front of an ocean

Dr. Davis received her Ph.D. in Environmental Studies and her current research focus includes pedagogical approaches to the development of ecological worldview, environmental humanities, and the Scholarship of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Her teaching and research focuses on re-situating the human within the environment, critique and action aimed at large-scale social change, unsettling dominant narratives across national and cultural boundaries, and centering questions upon cultural traditions, stories, & beliefs that impact the environment. She has taught a variety of courses in Integrative Studies, Environmental Humanities, and Composition and Rhetoric.

 Email: davisr11@nku.edu

Research Areas: environmental humanities, environmental studies , research in developing ecological consciousness, integrative studies

Collaborative Interests: department seminars, grant collaborations, guest lectures, public lectures, publications, research collaborations