Research Priorities Initiative

Materials Science Research Priority Area

The Research Priority Area at the University of Kentucky will seed innovation, fuel industry solutions and create a unifying identity for faculty, staff and students in materials science. UK Research is now funding the Materials Science Research Priority Area, the eighth designated Research Priority Area (RPA) for UK. From medicine and manufacturing to automotive and aerospace applications, materials are vital to the future of Kentucky’s economy. Read more and see video.

Research Awards in Priority Areas

$71 million

cancer awards in FY23

$27 million

cardiovascular awards in FY23

$49 million

diabetes & obesity awards in FY23

$63 million

equity awards in FY23

$34 million

energy awards in FY23

$29 million

materials science awards in FY23

$75 million

neuroscience awards in FY23

$74 million

substance use disorder awards in FY23


Source: UK OSPA database, based on keyword searches using natural language processing with unique keywords related to each priority area. Priority areas are not exclusive to one particular area, projects may fit in more than one area. 

A new Research Priority Area at the University of Kentucky will seed innovation, fuel industry solutions and create a unifying identity for faculty, staff and students in materials science.

The Healthy Kentucky Research Building is focused on four of the seven research priorities (cancer, diabetes & obesity, cardiovascular diseases & stroke, substance use disorder).