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SciVal is an analytical tool that provides research data to make evidence-based strategic decisions. The data is derived from Scopus and ScienceDirect, and covers more than 67 million publications from 1996 through the present. It can be useful for comparing research, analyzing trends, creating benchmarking reports and visualizations, or finding experts in a specific area.

"Check, Correct, Submit: How to ensure accuracy in your SCOPUS Author Profile"


Modules from SciVal User Group

  • Overview - Review comprehensive research performance summaries across the University of Kentucky, other universities, countries, or groups of researchers.

  • Benchmarking - Compare University of Kentucky to other universities, researchers or groups of researchers.

  • Collaboration - Discover current and potential collaborations among researchers across universities, corporate, government or other sectors by concentrating on specific subject areas and self-defined research topics.

  • Trends - Analyze the research trends of any pre-defined research area to discover top performers.



“Introduction to SciVal” hosted by Elsevier on June 8, 2023



For more information or if you have questions, please contact Baron Wolf,