3T PRISMA Scanner
The UK-MRISC has a fully equipped 743 sq. ft. area for the whole-body Siemens PRISMA 3T MRI scanner. There are 64 and 20 channel head coils, 15 channel knee coil, spine array coil, two body matrix coils, and 3 flex coils. A state of the art computer console running Syngo VE11C software as well as Syngo Via and Syngo Leonardo off-line workstations are available for examination and image processing using Siemens Software 3D rendering, image fusion, perfusion, DTI fiber tracking, spectroscopy, volume rendering, shaded surface display, multiplanar reconstruction, and maximum intensity projection. Supporting equipment includes an Avotec 6001 fMRI visual presentation system, MRA Inc and Cedrus-Lumina patient response systems, Redhat Linux analysis workstations, MRI compatible eyetracking system, Phillips CO2 monitor, and Biopac and Invivo physiological monitoring systems.
***RESEARCHERS - If you publish an article using the 3T Prisma scanner please be sure to cite the following grant in your acknowledgments/funding section: NIH/NIGMS S10OD023573***