SAP Training Plan

SAP Training Plan

Approver/Area Security Officer

  • Identify your Area Security Officer
    Once you complete the SAP Training Plan form, it will route to the Research Area Security Officer (ASO). You must enter the address of the appropriate ASO in the E-mail Address box provided. If you do not enter this email address, it will not route to the correct person & the training plan will not be approved & access will not be granted.
    • Enter for the Research ASO

Reason for Training Plan

  • Identify Who the Training Plan is For
    Training plans must be submitted for new employees, but also for current employees who need new/different SAP access. For new employees, choose one of the following:

    • Brand New UK Employee: This is used for an employee who has never been employed by UK.
    • Current Employee - New Position: This is used for employees who transfer to your department from another University department. 
    • Rehired/Reinstated Employee: This is used when a former UK employee returns to the University.

Requester & Employee Information

  • Requester & Employee Information
    This tells the EAG office who is requesting access for the employee. If there are any questions about the access, the person listed as the Requester will be contacted. The Employee Information can be obtained from SAP.

Course/Role Selection

  • General
    These two classes must be completed by ALL SAP users.
    • All employees must have a signed Statement of Responsibility in order to have access to SAP.  UK_100 is a course that must be completed by all employees. It goes over the basic navigation of SAP. 
  • Business Warehouse (BW) / Business Objects (BOBJ)
    This section identifies the reporting role that you would like your employee to assume. Business Warehouse is sufficient for most users. Business Objects is required for some reports and for reports used during the budget process.
    • BEx-Web Reporting Courses BEX_300, BEX_300_A (Uses FI examples) is most appropriate for employees that are in a position that does not serve students. This will give the employee access to run monthly ledgers, human resources payroll reports, and many other finance/budget/human resources related reports.   
    • Business Objects for End Users (BI_BOBJ_200) is for employees who will need access to run budget reports during the annual budget process. 
  • Finance (FI)
    This sections gives an employee access to the finance module in SAP. It will allow users to complete actions related to financial transactions.
    • Finance Overview (FI_200) is required for all users who will complete financial transactions in SAP.
    • Cash Transmittals (FI_CT_300) is required for any employee who will make deposits (cash or checks) or who will claim wire transfers. 
    • G/L Account Documents (JVs) (FI_GI_310) is required for employees who will create journal vouchers in SAP. Journal Vouchers move transactions from one account (gl, cost center, grant) to another. 
    • Statistical Internal Orders/User Codes (FI_GU_321, FI_GI_322) is not a transaction that is utilized by the Research area.
    • Procard Editing (FI_PC_300) is required for all employees who will participate in the Procard Edit process. 
  • Faculty Effort System (FES)
    This section identifies an employee's role in the entry of distribution of effort for faculty members.
    • FES Access Type Full Update Access allows an employee to enter and edit the financial distribution of a faculty member's salary.  View Only Access allows an employee to view the financial distribution of a faculty member's salary, but s/he cannot make edits or submit the information.   
    • FES Access Level Research departments will request Department from the drop down list. Identify your five digit department code in the box. 
  • Funds Management (FM)
    • Budget Maintenance (FM_BUD_300) allows an employee to create Budget Transfers. 
  • Grants Management (GM)
    • Grants Management Analysis (FI_GM_310) is recommended for anyone who will work with grant accounts (WBS elements). It teaches the employee about SAP transactions specifically for grant accounts.
    • Grants Analysis Refresher (FI_GM_315) is a refresher course for the Grants Management Analysis course.
    • Advanced Cost Sharing (FI_GM_320) teaches the employee about the Cost Share process. This is recommended for any employee who will work with grant accounts (WBS elements).
    • PI Grant Budget Overview (FI_GM_200) is for Principle Investigators only. 
  • Human Resources (HR) - Personnel Administration Role
    This section identifies an employee's role for human resources tasks. This will allow the user to see confidential information for university employee's (access is limited to departments identified on training plan).
    • HR Employee Org Display (HR_200) - If the employee is not an HR Manager, but needs access to view employee information, this role allows them to view PA20 and other HR reports in SAP. This role does not include the ZCCWBS report.
    • HR Department Head (HR_200) - If the employee is not an HR Manager, but needs access to view employee information, this role allows them to view PA20 and other HR reports in SAP. This role includes the ZCCWBS report.
    • HR Business Officer - No Position Creation - This role is used for our Research Center & Institute HR Managers. It allows them to complete hiring actions in SAP and manage items such as Employee Master Data, Cost Distributions, Position Details, etc. 
    • HR Business Officer - This role is used by the Research HR Director. It allows them to complete hiring actions in SAP and manage items such as Employee Master Data, Cost Distributions, Position Details, etc. This role also allows the user to create Student, Departmental Temporary, and Faculty positions.
  • Human Resources (HR) - Time Management Role
    • HR Time Entry Only - This role allows the user to enter working time and leave requests in the absence of the employee
    • HR Time Entry & Approval - This role allows the user to enter and approve working time and leave requests. It also gives the user the ability to use transactions & reports related to time entry details, quota balances, and remuneration statements. 
  • Human Resources (HR) - Reporting Role
    • HR Reporting (HR_200) - This role allows the user to run a variety of human resource related reports. It does not provide access to make any changes to human resources records.
  • Human Resources (HR) - Other Items
    • Faculty Actions (HR-PA-340) - This class will teach the user how to complete HR actions for faculty positions. 
    • LSO Reporter - This role is used by OSPA and is included on all Research Administrator training plans.
  • Materials Management (MM)
    This section identifies the user's roles in the procurement process.
    • SRM Shoppers - This role is used to create Shopping Carts. Shopping Carts are used to generate Purchase Orders. Shopping Carts are also used to order supplies from OfficeMax/Office Depot.
    • SRM Goods Confirmations - This role allows the user to confirm the receipt of items purchased using a Purchase Order. The vendor will not be paid until a confirmation is created. 
    • PRD Creator - This role is used to create Payment Request Documents. PRDs are used for employee reimbursement, discretionary items, and any item where purchase is not allowable via Shopping Cart or PRD.
    • Combined Approver - This role is used to approve purchases initiated with the SRM Shopper and PRD Creator roles.  Approver Level will be Level 1. Level 2 approvals are necessary for purchases that are greater than $10,000 and this approval is completed by the Research Fiscal Officer. Approver OSPA is used for OSPA Research Administrators only.  Enter the five digit department for which the user will need approval authority. You do not need to enter a department if Approver OSPA was chosen.
    • OSPA Sub-Award Shopping Carts & PO Edit Role- If the user will create OSPA Sub-award Shopping Carts &/or edit Purchase Orders, enter the comment "OSPA role to create the ZOPO shopping cart/ Edit ZOPO Purchase Orders" in the Comments/Special Instructions box in step #2.
  • Plant Maintenance (PM) and Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM)
    These areas are not typically used by the Research area. If you feel access to either area is necessary, please contact Toni Smith.

Training Plan Submission

  • Submit Training Plan
    Verify that all sections of this form have been completed accurately & click the SUBMIT IRIS Training Plan Request Form. The form will route to the Area Security Officer (ASO) for review & approval. The ASO will submit the request form to the EAG team.