Community Engaged Research (CER)/Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Questions/Answers

Resources to facilitate CER/CBPR




What resources are available to investigators conducting Community Engaged Research (CER) or Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)?

ORI provides a CBPR frequently asked questions (FAQs) [PDF] guide to assist researchers in the design and implementation of research in the community and facilitate Institutional Review Boards’ review of CER/CBPR. 

CBPR investigators may work with ORI education, to propose use of non-traditional, CBPR-focused human subject protection training for community partners. The CBPR FAQ [PDF] provides links to several national programs available designed to educate nonscientific/nonresearch community-based individuals. In addition, UK ORI has developed K-12 Teacher & Support Staff Human Subject Protection (HSP) Training specifically designed to educate teachers and support staff on protecting the rights and welfare of students. [Launch Course]

What are considerations for IRB review of CBPR?

  1. How research involves community members or partners in the design and implementation of the study!
  2. Community risks, benefits, and consent.
  3. How results will be shared with the community.
  4. How protocols may be developed to include flexibility (e.g., range of procedures; semi-structured interviews within defined parameters).