Training & Education

UK CITI Access

UK CITI Access (HSP & RCR)

Log in using your link blue ID and password


Human Subject Protection (HSP) Training FAQs


Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training FAQs

Training Videos

Training Videos

  • Introduction to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process [HTML Video, 04:48 minutes]
  • What Needs IRB Review? [HTML Video, 05:10 minutes]
  • Working with the IRB/ORI: Processes and Best Practices, 2023 CCTS Session [HTML]
  • Research Recruitment and Advertising in Human Research [HTML, ~15 minutes]
  • Waiver of Consent vs. Waiver of Consent Signatures [HTML Video, 04:15 minutes]
  • Faculty Advisor Responsibilities [HTML Video, 05:02 minutes]
  • A Mentor’s Guide to the IRB: A Faculty Advisor Workshop [Video, 44:22 minutes]
  • Submission Tips in Under 10 Minutes [HTML Video, 09:25 minutes]
  • The Short Form Consent Process for Non-English-Speaking Participants Overview [HTML Video, Video 06:38 minutes]
  • Use of Gender-Inclusive Language [HTML Video, 05:41 minutes]
  • Remote Informed Consent [HTML Video, 08:51 minutes]
  • Real World Data [HTML Video, 07:30]
  • Don't Destroy Data [HTML Video, 03:11]
  • HIPAA at UK [HTML Video, 04:27 minutes]

Interactive Tools

Interactive Tools

Other Training Courses or Content


Other Training Courses or Content

  • Single IRB Reliance Training for Investigators [HTML]

  • ORI Non-UK Human Subject Protection Course [HTML]

  • K-12 Teacher & Support Staff Human Subject Protection Training [HTML]

ORI Frequently Asked Questions (includes IRB, RCR, etc.)

Outreach & Events


  • CITI Remote Informed Consent: The Same, but Different, but Still the Same [HTML]

OHRP Education Resources & Videos

  • Videos by Topic [HTML]
  • Revised Common Rule Materials & Videos [HTML]
  • Mini-Tutorial Series [HTML]
  • Educational Resources for IRB Members [PDF]
  • Educational Resources for IRB Administrators and Staff [PDF]
  • Educational Resources for Investigators [PDF]

Sample Applications and Protocol Development Resources

Human Research Q&A Guide

Human Research Training Materials