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Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center – Diabetes and Obesity Research Day

Dr. Emil Unanue

Paul and Ellen Lacy Professor of Pathology & Immunology and Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine 

Presentation: Why are Pancreatic Islets Susceptible to Type 1 Diabetic Autoimmunity?
Date: November 19, 2020, 3pm - 4pm

Dr. Emil Unanue graduated from medical school at the University of Havana, Cuba. He completed training at Presbyterian University Hospital in Pittsburgh, at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Jolla, Calif., and at the National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, London. He later became Mallinckrodt Professor of Immunopathology at Harvard University Medical Center. He is currently a Paul and Ellen Lacy Professor of Pathology & Immunology and Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine. 

Dr. Unanue has won multiple awards, including the Gerold Grodsky Basic Science Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the Albert Lasker Basic Research Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Science. 

His research examines the biochemistry and biology of antigen presentation, particularly how lymphocytes recognize protein antigens. His recent research focuses on the cellular and molecular basis of diabetic autoimmunity.