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More Than Welcome: Libraries Serving Families of Young Children with Disabilities

Moderators: Dr. Maria Cahill, UK School of Information Science, Dr. Derek Daskalakes, UK School of Information Science, and Dr. Caroline Gooden, UK Human Development Institute
Session description: Public libraries provide rich learning opportunities for ALL young children and their caregivers. This interactive webinar, a culminating product of the Services for Children of ALL Abilities in Libraries: An Exploration (SCALE) project, will identify how libraries are currently serving families with young children with disabilities through spaces designed for play and social interaction, through programs that offer fun and interactive learning experiences, and through partnerships intended to address the interests and needs of families within and beyond the physical library. Join us to learn how libraries are working to be more than just welcoming for families of children with disabilities.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
   • Describe how library spaces, programs, and services are designed to be accessible for ALL children;
   • Identify how library spaces and programs support social interaction and learning for ALL children;
   • Discuss ways that community organizations and agencies serving families of children with disabilities might partner with libraries to better support those families.
Early Care and Education clock hours are pending from the Division of Child Care. School Psychologists may receive up to 2 CPD clock hours. Continuing Education units are approved for Physical Therapy for a category 2 course.