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UAccel Quick Start + I-Corps: The Program

UAccel Quick Start, the university technology commercialization focused program of Launch Blue, offers professional development and an experiential learning opportunity to innovators affiliated with a university who are interested in learning the best commercialization path for their technology.
The goal of the program is to advance a technology or innovation toward commercialization, including preparations for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants or National Innovation Corps applications, creation of a startup, or partnering with an established company to license the technology.
UAccel Quick Start is the first phase of the two-phase program. The second phase is I-Corps.

Phase I: UAccel Quick Start: An introduction to lean startup methods to help you select an appropriate commercialization pathway forward for your technology. Participants must complete program requirements to graduate.
Phase II: I-Corps: For those who have successfully graduated from UAccel Quick Start and want to continue toward startup formation, SBIR applications, or National Innovation Corps applications. This phase continues on the foundations in UAccel Quick Start and provides additional experiential entrepreneurial training. Participants must complete program requirements to graduate.
Learn More: https://www.launchblue.org/uaccel